( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: App\Controllers\ProdutosController::getProduto(): Return value must be of type App\Core\Entities\ProdutoSiteEntity, null returned in /var/www/html/app/controllers/ProdutosController.php on line 174
( ! ) TypeError: App\Controllers\ProdutosController::getProduto(): Return value must be of type App\Core\Entities\ProdutoSiteEntity, null returned in /var/www/html/app/controllers/ProdutosController.php on line 174
Call Stack
10.0002871632{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.00852141560handle( $uri = '/kits/31/filtro-para-piscina-fiber-r-650-br-100-mil-litros' ).../index.php:91
30.01012427088dispatch( ).../index.php:91
40.01052516912callActionMethod( $handler = class App\Controllers\ProdutosController { protected $container = class Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault { protected $services = [...]; protected $sharedInstances = [...]; protected $eventsManager = NULL }; public $breadCrumbs = NULL; protected $space = NULL; public ?array $linhaToRedirect = NULL; public ?App\Core\Iterators\ProdutoVistoList $produtosVistos = class App\Core\Iterators\ProdutoVistoList { protected int $position = 0; public array $list = [...] }; public $session = class Phalcon\Session\Manager { protected $container = class Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault { ... }; private $adapter = class Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Stream { ... }; private $name = 'PHPSESSID'; private $options = [...]; private $uniqueId = '' }; public $httpAdapter = class App\Core\Infra\Adapters\Http\HttpAdapterImpl { public bool $debug = FALSE; public App\Core\Infra\Adapters\Http\Enums\HttpRevalidateEnum $revalidateCache = enum App\Core\Infra\Adapters\Http\Enums\HttpRevalidateEnum::NONE(0); public string $cachePrefix = 'http_cache_'; public bool $cache = TRUE; public int $cacheTimeInSeconds = 3600; public string $cacheDir = '/var/www/html/app/config/../cache/'; public int $timeout = 50; public array $headers = [...]; private array $config = [...]; private string $revalidadeFile = '/var/www/html/app/config/../cache/revalidate.json'; private ?App\Core\Infra\Adapters\Http\HttpRequest $lastRequest = class App\Core\Infra\Adapters\Http\HttpRequest { ... }; public GuzzleHttp\Client $client = class GuzzleHttp\Client { ... }; public readonly Phalcon\Config\Config $baseConfig = class Phalcon\Config\Config { ... } } }, $actionMethod = 'indexAction', $params = ['id' => '31', 'url' => 'filtro-para-piscina-fiber-r-650-br-100-mil-litros', 'tipo' => 'p', 'slug' => 'filtro-para-piscina-fiber-r-650-br-100-mil-litros'] ).../index.php:91
50.01052517688App\Controllers\ProdutosController->indexAction( $id = '31', $url = 'filtro-para-piscina-fiber-r-650-br-100-mil-litros', $tipo = 'p', 'filtro-para-piscina-fiber-r-650-br-100-mil-litros' ).../index.php:91
60.01062526008App\Controllers\ProdutosController->getProduto( $id = '31' ).../ProdutosController.php:97